Arts4Wokingham Ethical Fundraising Policy
Arts4Wokingham is grateful for all funding received in furtherance of its charitable objects.
Arts4Wokigham is committed to making decisions that are both in line with our charitable objectives and in the best interests of the people we are here to support. This policy focuses on our aim to be a responsible and ethical organisation, communicating in a way that is honest, decent and truthful, and mindful of our responsibilities to our community, the arts and the environment. Our Ethical Fundraising policy ensures we do not compromise our mission and values when raising funds. This Policy sets out boundaries and approaches intended to protect the reputation of the Charity in the areas of fundraising and donations.
Arts4Wokingham is following fundraising best practice and the Fundraising Regulator's Code of Fundraising Practice. Arts4Wokingham undertakes to comply with relevant law and regulations, including the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 and the Bribery Act 2010, data protection law, tax and Gift Aid legislation and Charity Commission guidance, as well as its own policies.
In this document we refer to:
‘Donors’ refers to philanthropic sources, including individual donors, companies and groups;
‘Charity' refers to Arts4Wokingham (registered charity no.1196646);
‘Committee’ refers to the board of trustees that makes strategic and operational decisions for Arts4Wokingham;
‘Sponsors’ refers to our more commercial associations and transactional relationships with companies and individuals;
‘Grant giving bodies’ both statutory and non-statutory.
Rationale for Fundraising
Our community of funders are vital to enabling us to achieve our charitable objectives as funding is essential in helping us to continue our work. We are committed to working alongside supporters and potential supporters to raise funds in a way which promotes the best interests of Arts4Wokingham. To help guarantee the availability of ongoing funds to pay for its work, Arts4Wokingham aims to maintain a broad base of different sources of funding. The purpose of this policy is to ensure clarity and openness to all our stakeholders.
We are committed to the artists we work with and support creative autonomy in our artists’ practice. Artists we work with are informed of our Ethical Fundraising Policy and we work with them to address any concerns that they or we have about particular funders. If we cannot reach an agreement, Arts4Wokingham holds the right to withdraw from any project.
Arts4Wokingham is committed to developing a positive relationship with donors. This policy applies to donations and grants above £15,000. We will protect their personal details in line with Arts4Wokingham Data Protection Policy. Anyunrestricted funds that are raised above the necessary amount per project, will be used in future Arts4Wokingham projects within Wokingham Borough.
The Committee will report any payment (or payments) totalling £25,000 or more to the Charity Commission, in line with their guidance.
We encourage relationships with sponsors that actively operate for the positive benefit of our community in a fair and transparent way. Our fundraising income and expenditure will be monitored and reported in our published accounts and available on the Charity Commission website.
Avoidance Criteria
Ultimate responsibility for accepting or declining funding lies with the Committee, as Arts4Wokingham’s governing body. The Committee has a duty to act at all times in the best interests of Arts4Wokingha as a charity, including when deciding whether to accept or decline offers of funding. Arts4Wokingham has established policies and procedures on the acceptance of funds and may conduct due diligence research on prospective sources of funding (including individuals). While each case is considered individually, funding will be declined where it might cause Arts4Wokingham to breach its legal obligations or be detrimental to the achievement of Arts4Wokingham’s charitable purposes.
Should the Committee determine to decline support it would follow Charity Commission Guidance, and where appropriate seek Charity Commission advice.
Arts4Wokingham has a number of ethical fundraising and reputational risk indicators, where we will assess the donation or funding opportunity. Arts4Wokingham would therefore not accept any of the following if:
The stated aims and values of the donor are opposed to those of Arts4Wokingham’s stated values and principles.
The receipt of the funding may have a negative effect on our reputation and/or lead to a decline in support of the organisation by those whose views it values.
The donor is associated with criminal sources and/or illegal activity
A donation from any particular source is inconsistent with Government law, regulation or guidance.
Where material concerns are raised about funds that have already been received the Committee will review it, and determine whether it is appropriate to retain the funds or take the appropriate action in relation to the funds or partnership. Where we know or have good reason to believe that a supporter lacks the capacity to make a decision to donate or is in a vulnerable circumstance, which means they may not be able to make an informed decision, we will not accept the donation. Arts4Wokingham reserves the right to refuse donations or terminate partnerships without reason being provided, where the individual or organisation conflicts with our aims.
Acceptance Criteria
It is important that fundraising on behalf of Arts4Wokingham is consistent with our values and objectives. When considering accepting any particular donation, we will ensure that association with the potential donor does not compromise our ethical position or reputation or put future funding at risk. Fundraising activities can have an impact not only in raising financial support but also in enhancing the profile and reputation of Arts4Wokingham and our work.
To enable us to make an informed decision, we carry out appropriate research. Any data collation will be carried out in full compliance of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes maintaining confidentiality and keeping information for time limited periods in line with our Privacy Notice. If, following assessment, a donation is deemed to be a significant risk, Arts4Wokingham, will decide whether the donation should be accepted or pursued. When deciding whether to accept any particular donation, the Committee will accordingly apply professional judgement and guidance as Arts4Wokingham has a duty to demonstrate to the Charity Commission that they have acted in the best interest of the charity, and that association with any particular donor does not compromise Arts4Wokingham ethical position, harm its reputation or put future funding at risk.
Arts4Wokingham’s fundraising activities will comply with Data Protection legislation, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, the Charities Commission and any applicable marketing guidance issued by the ICO or Fundraising Regulator. For further information on how we process personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.
Arts4Wokingham will not knowingly purchase goods and/or services produced and delivered under conditions that involve any form of abuse or exploitation of third parties. Evidence (not exhaustive) of such abuse and exploitation includes:
The use of child labour
Human rights abuses
Modern slavery
Failure to pay employees a living wage
Working hours are excessive
Evidence of any form of inhuman, unreasonable or discriminatory treatment of employees
Arts4Wokingham expects suppliers to accept responsibility for labour and environmental conditions under which products are made and services are provided and to make a written statement of intent regarding the company’s policy.
Gift Aid
Through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, Arts4Wokingham can claim an additional 25p for every £1 an individual donates. So if an individual donor is a UK taxpayer, they can increase the value of their donations to Arts4Wokingham by 25%, at no extra cost to Arts4Wokingham. If their donation to Arts4Wokingham has not come through the Arts4Wokingham website then the Treasurer will contact the donor to fill in a Gift Aid form, confirming their full name, home address, donation and taxpayer status. Arts4Wokingham will use the details provided to update their record and to process their donations to Arts4Wokingham. Please note: Arts4Wokingham can only claim Gift Aid if the donor is a UK taxpayer and confirms that they understand that if they pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all their donations in that tax year then it is their responsibility to pay any difference.
Further Points
Arts4Wokingham recognises that, in accepting funding from statutory bodies, it must consider the policy implications and obligations that might be tied to it and ensure that these do not contravene the aims of Arts4Wokingham.
Arts4Wokingham can seek to raise funds from a series of charitable Trusts and Foundations, but recognises that, simply because these have been registered with the Charity Commission does not mean that they are ethical givers.
Arts4Wokingham therefore does not accept money from any Charitable Trust if it is a requirement of grant receipt to advertise any company or organisation whose activities run contrary to the Arts4Wokingham aims and ethical values.
This statement of policy is meant as a working guide for Arts4Wokingham. Any final decisions will be governed by the Committee. It is the duty of the Committee to advise of any potential conflicts of interest with regards to funding or partnerships, and for the Committee to act in the best interests of Arts4Wokingham at all times.
We welcome comments. Please direct them to: info@arts4wokingham.com
Ethical Fundraising Policy updated 6th June 2022.