Leave a legacy for the future of Wokingham Borough
We are now in the process of sourcing funding for Arts4Wokingham. Our first commission is a significant work of public art by award-winning British sculptor, Nicola Anthony.
Your donation
Making a donation to Arts4Wokingham is easy and secure. You can donate online via our website, or by contacting us directly. We only ask that you give what you can, as every donation, no matter how small, makes a great difference.
All Donors who contribute a sum of £200 or more will have their names(s) acknowledged and recorded in the public arena to clearly identify them as significant supporters of this project.
As our mission at Arst4Wokingham is ongoing, regular payments can help us plan ahead and deliver more landmark art installations within the Wokingham borough.
Sign up to be informed about the progress of the Arc, and receive invitations to community consultation sessions.